Meaning of EYE in English


Function: verb

1 to fix the eyes on FF1C; the child eyed the presents with delight FF1E;

Synonyms: consider, contemplate, gaze (upon), look (at or upon), view; compare LOOK 7

Related Words: regard; stare (at)

2 to keep a close watch on FF1C; the detective eyed the suspect FF1E;

Synonyms: eyeball, scrutinize, watch; compare TAIL

Related Words: stare (at); size up

Idioms: keep a close ( or an eagle) eye on


Synonyms: LOOK 7, gape, ||gaup ( or gawp), gaze, goggle, ogle, rubberneck, stare

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.