n. Function: adjective
Synonyms: AUTHENTIC 2, blown-in-the-bottle, bona fide, genuine, indubitable, sure-enough, true, undoubted, undubitable, unquestionable
Antonyms: bogus
Synonyms: GENUINE 3, heart-whole, honest, sincere, true, undesigning, undissembled, unfeigned
3 corresponding to known facts FF1C; discovered the real reason for her hasty departure FF1E;
Synonyms: actual, indisputable, true, undeniable, unfabled, veridical
Related Words: being, existing, subsisting; certain, inevitable, necessary; sound, valid, well-grounded
Idioms: deniable, disputable, doubtful, questionable; improbable, uncertain, unlikely
Antonyms: unreal; apparent; imaginary