Meaning of SERIOUS in English

adj. Function: adjective

1 not light or frivolous (as in disposition, appearance, or manner) FF1C; he was disturbed by her stern, serious look FF1E;

Synonyms: earnest, grave, no-nonsense, poker-faced, sedate, sober, sobersided, solemn, somber, staid, weighty

Related Words: businesslike, ||dern, determined, steady, steady-going; intent, serious-minded; contemplative, meditative, pensive, reflective, thoughtful; austere, severe, stern; humorless, unhumorous; grim

Idioms: serious as a judge

Contrasted Words: flighty, ||flip, flippant, frivolous, volatile; casual, easy, relaxed

Antonyms: light, unserious

2 expressing, involving, or characterized by seriousness or gravity (as of consequence) FF1C; a serious economic situation FF1E;

Synonyms: grave, heavy, severe, weighty

Related Words: important, significant; sobering; unamusing, unfunny, unhumorous; grim

Idioms: no joke, no laughing matter

Contrasted Words: inconsequential, insignificant, unimportant, unserious

Antonyms: trifling, trivial


Synonyms: HARD 6, arduous, difficult, formidable, heavy, laborious, operose, severe, strenuous, tough


Synonyms: GRAVE 3, dangerous, fell, grievous, major, ugly

Related Words: menacing, threatening

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.