Meaning of SERIOUS in English


Pronunciation: ' sir- ē - ə s

Function: adjective

Etymology: Middle English seryows, from Anglo-French or Late Latin; Anglo-French serious, from Late Latin seriosus, alteration of Latin serius weighty, serious; probably akin to Old English sw ǣ r heavy, sad

Date: 15th century

1 : thoughtful or subdued in appearance or manner : SOBER <a quiet, serious girl>

2 a : requiring much thought or work < serious study> b : of or relating to a matter of importance <a serious play>

3 a : not joking or trifling : being in earnest <a serious question> b archaic : PIOUS c : deeply interested : DEVOTED <a serious musician>

4 a : not easily answered or solved < serious objections> b : having important or dangerous possible consequences <a serious injury>

5 : excessive or impressive in quality, quantity, extent, or degree < serious stereo equipment> <making serious money> < serious drinking>

– se · ri · ous · ness noun

synonyms SERIOUS , GRAVE , SOLEMN , SEDATE , STAID , SOBER , EARNEST mean not light or frivolous. SERIOUS implies a concern for what really matters <a serious play about social injustice>. GRAVE implies both seriousness and dignity in expression or attitude <read the proclamation in a grave voice>. SOLEMN suggests an impressive gravity utterly free from levity <a sad and solemn occasion>. SEDATE implies a composed and decorous seriousness <remained sedate amid the commotion>. STAID suggests a settled, accustomed sedateness and prim self-restraint <a quiet and staid community>. SOBER stresses seriousness of purpose and absence of levity or frivolity <a sober look at the state of our schools>. EARNEST suggests sincerity or often zealousness of purpose <an earnest reformer>.

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