adj. Function: adjective
1 admitting light without appreciable diffusion or distortion so that objects beyond are entirely visible FF1C; a sheet of transparent plastic FF1E;
Synonyms: clear, limpid, pellucid, see-through, translucent; compare TRANSLUCENT 3
Related Words: crystal, crystalline, glassy; diaphanous
Idioms: clear as glass ( or crystal)
Contrasted Words: dark, smoky; cloudy, foggy hazy, misty, nubilous
Antonyms: opaque
Synonyms: FILMY , diaphanous, flimsy, gauzy, gossamer, sheer, tiffany
Synonyms: TRANSLUCENT 3, clear, tralucent, translucid
Synonyms: CLEAR 4, clear-cut, crystal, lucent, lucid, luminous, pellucid, translucent, transpicuous, unblurred
Related Words: distinguishable, recognizable; articulate, distinct, plain; unambiguous, unequivocal
Contrasted Words: muddy, turbid