(~s, wising, ~d, ~r, ~st)
Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English.
A ~ person is able to use their experience and knowledge in order to make sensible decisions and judgments.
She has the air of a ~ woman...
? foolish
The three of us stood around the machine nodding ~ly.
ADV: ADV with v
A ~ action or decision is sensible.
She had made a very ~ decision...
It is ~ to seek help and counsel as soon as possible.
= sensible
ADJ: oft it v-link ADJ to-inf
They’ve invested their money ~ly...
Our man had ~ly decided to be picked up at the farm.
ADV: usu ADV with v
If you get ~ to something, you find out about it, especially when someone has been trying to keep it secret. (INFORMAL)
Dealers have already got ~ to the trend and increased their prices accordingly.
PHRASE: V inflects, PHR n