v. & n.
v. 1 intr. a grow vigorously; thrive. b prosper; be successful. c be in one's prime. d be in good health. 2 intr. (usu. foll. by in, at, about) spend one's life; be active (at a specified time) (flourished in the Middle Ages) (cf. FLORUIT). 3 tr. show ostentatiously (flourished his cheque-book). 4 tr. wave (a weapon, one's limbs, etc.) vigorously.
n. 1 an ostentatious gesture with a weapon, a hand, etc. (removed his hat with a flourish). 2 an ornamental curving decoration of handwriting. 3 a florid verbal expression; a rhetorical embellishment. 4 Mus. a a fanfare played by brass instruments. b an ornate musical passage. c an extemporized addition played esp. at the beginning or end of a composition. 5 archaic an instance of prosperity; a flourishing. flourisher n. flourishy adj.
[ ME f. OF florir ult. f. L florere f. flos floris flower ]