v. 1 prosper, thrive, grow, develop, luxuriate, bloom, blossom, flower, bear fruit, fructify, boom, burgeon or bourgeon, mature, ripen, increase, succeed, get ahead, do or fare well, make good; go up or rise in the world; Slang go great guns We understand that Amy's medical practice has flourished 2 wave, wield, brandish, wag, swing, twirl, flaunt, vaunt, swagger, swish, shake The band-leader flourished his baton
n. 3 decoration, embellishment, floridness, floweriness, ornamentation, elaboration, adornment, frill, embroidery, curlicue, furbelow His signature is characterized by all these flourishes 4 fanfare, display, show, showiness, dash, gesturing, wave With a flourish of his hand, the king signalled the tourney to begin