Synonyms and related words :
acciaccatura, adjunct, adorn, adornment, advertise, affect, air, amplify, appoggiatura, arabesque, arrangement, arrive, asiaticism, augment, batten, be energetic, be somebody, be something, be vigorous, bear fruit, beauties, betoken, blazon, blazon forth, bloom, blossom, blow, bluster, boast, bonus, boom, brag, brandish, brandishing, bravura, breathe, brew, brilliancy, bring forth, bring forward, bring into view, bring out, bring to maturity, bring to notice, bud, burgeon, burst forth, burst with energy, burst with health, cadence, cadenza, color, color patterns, coloratura, colors, colors of rhetoric, come to fruition, convolute, curlicue, cut a dash, cut a figure, dangle, daring, dash, decor, decorate, decoration, demonstrate, demonstration, develop, device, disclose, display, division, divulge, do well, dramatics, dramatize, draw the longbow, eclat, elaborate, elaboration, elegant variation, embellish, embellishment, emblazon, emblazonment, emblazonry, embody, embroider, embroidery, enact, enjoy good health, enrich, etalage, euphuism, evidence, evince, exhibit, exhibition, exhibitionism, expand, expose to view, express, extempore, extra, extra added attraction, extra dash, false front, fanfare, fanfaronade, fare well, fatten, feel fine, feel good, festoon, figurative language, figurativeness, figure, figure of speech, filigree, filling, fillip, fine writing, fioritura, flair, flap, flash, flaunt, flaunting, flight, float, floridity, floridness, flourishing, flower, flower arrangement, floweriness, flowers of speech, flowery style, flutter, fly, frill, fructify, furbelow, furniture arrangement, garnish, garnishment, garniture, gasconade, gather, gemmate, germinate, gesturing, get ahead, gild, give sign, give token, gleam, glitter, glow, go, go great guns, grace, grace note, grow, grow fat, grow rank, grow up, have energy, highlight, histrionics, hold up, hot lick, hypertrophy, illuminate, illumination, image, imagery, impromptu, improvisation, in full swing, incarnate, incidental, incidental note, increase, indicate, interpolation, involve, keep fit, lagniappe, leaf, leaf out, leave, lick, live, load with ornament, long mordent, lushness, luxuriance, luxuriate, make a figure, make a splash, make clear, make good, make out, make plain, manifest, manifestation, manner of speaking, materialize, maturate, mature, mean, mellow, mordent, multiply, mushroom, never feel better, nonliterality, nonliteralness, ornament, ornamentation, outgrow, overcharge, overdevelop, overflow with energy, overgrow, overlay, overload, overrun, overtop, padding, pageant, pageantry, parade, passage, perform, pralltriller, premium, present, procreate, produce, prosper, puff, pullulate, purple passage, purple patches, put forth, put forth leaves, put forward, put out buds, reach its season, reach maturity, represent, reproduce, reveal, riff, riot, ripe, ripen, roll out, root, roulade, run, score, set forth, shake, shaking, sham, shine, shoot, shoot up, show, show forth, showiness, showing-off, single mordent, something extra, speak for Buncombe, spectacle, splash, splurge, sport, spotlight, spring up, sprout, sprout up, staginess, stay in shape, stay young, strike root, stuffing, succeed, superaddition, swagger, swing, swish, take root, theatrics, thrive, token, tower, trick out, trim, trimming, trope, trot out, trumpet, trumpet forth, turn, turn of expression, twirl, twist, undulate, undulation, unfold, upshoot, upspear, upspring, upsprout, vamp, vapor, varnish, vaunt, vegetate, wag, wave, wave motion, waving, wax, way of speaking, wear well, wield, wigwag, window dressing, wrinkle