v. 1 a tr. rule or control (a State, subject, etc.) with authority; conduct the policy and affairs of (an organization etc.). b intr. be in government. 2 a tr. influence or determine (a person or a course of action). b intr. be the predominating influence. 3 tr. be a standard or principle for; constitute a law for; serve to decide (a case). 4 tr. check or control (esp. passions). 5 tr. Gram. (esp. of a verb or preposition) have (a noun or pronoun or its case) depending on it. 6 tr. be in military command of (a fort, town). governing body the managers of an institution. governable adj. governability n. governableness n.
[ ME f. OF governer f. L gubernare steer, rule f. Gk kubernao ]