[gov.ern] vb [ME, fr. OF governer, fr. L gubernare to steer, govern, fr. Gk kybernan] vt (14c) 1 a: to exercise continuous sovereign authority over; esp: to control and direct the making and administration of policy in b: to rule without sovereign power and usu. without having the authority to determine basic policy
2. a archaic: manipulate b: to control the speed of (as a machine) esp. by automatic means 3 a: to control, direct, or strongly influence the actions and conduct of b: to exert a determining or guiding influence in or over "income must ~ expenditure" c: to hold in check: restrain
4: to require (a word) to be in a certain case
5: to serve as a precedent or deciding principle for "customs that ~ human decisions" ~ vi 1: to prevail or have decisive influence: control
2: to exercise authority -- gov.ern.able adj