v.tr. 1 hack, cut about, or mutilate by blows etc. 2 spoil (a quotation, text, etc.) by misquoting, mispronouncing, etc. 3 cut roughly so as to disfigure. mangler n.
[ AF ma(ha)ngler, app. frequent. of mahaignier MAIM ]
v.tr. 1 hack, cut about, or mutilate by blows etc. 2 spoil (a quotation, text, etc.) by misquoting, mispronouncing, etc. 3 cut roughly so as to disfigure. mangler n.
[ AF ma(ha)ngler, app. frequent. of mahaignier MAIM ]
Concise Oxford English dictionary. Краткий оксфордский словарь английского языка. 2012