/ ˈmæŋgl; NAmE / verb , noun
■ verb [ vn ] [ usually passive ]
to crush or twist sth so that it is badly damaged :
His hand was mangled in the machine.
to spoil sth, for example a poem or a piece of music, by saying it wrongly or playing it badly
SYN ruin
► man·gled adjective :
mangled bodies / remains
■ noun
(also wring·er ) a machine with two rollers (1) used especially in the past for squeezing the water out of clothes that had been washed
noun late 17th cent.: from Dutch mangel , from mangelen to mangle, from medieval Latin mango , manga , from Greek manganon axis, engine of war.
verb late Middle English : from Anglo-Norman French mahangler , perhaps a frequentative of mahaignier maim.