Meaning of MANGLE in English

[] vt man.gled ; man.gling [ME, fr. AF mangler] (15c) 1: to injure with deep disfiguring wounds by cutting, tearing, or crushing "people ... mangled by sharks --V. G. Heiser"

2: to spoil, injure, or make incoherent esp. through ineptitude "a story mangled beyond recognition" syn see maim -- man.gler n

[2]mangle n [D mangel, fr. G, fr. MHG, dim. of mange mangonel, mangle, fr. L manganum] (1774): a machine for ironing laundry by passing it between heated rollers [3]mangle vt man.gled ; man.gling (1775): to press or smooth (as damp linen) with a mangle -- man.gler n

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