Meaning of SET in English

n. 1 a number of things or persons that belong together or resemble one another or are usually found together. 2 a collection or group. 3 a section of society consorting together or having similar interests etc. 4 a collection of implements, vessels, etc., regarded collectively and needed for a specified purpose (cricket set; teaset; a set of teeth). 5 a piece of electric or electronic apparatus, esp. a radio or television receiver. 6 (in tennis etc.) a group of games counting as a unit towards a match for the player or side that wins a defined number or proportion of the games. 7 Math. & Logic a collection of distinct entities, individually specified or satisfying specified conditions, forming a unit. 8 a group of pupils or students having the same average ability. 9 a a slip, shoot, bulb, etc., for planting. b a young fruit just set. 10 a a habitual posture or conformation; the way the head etc. is carried or a dress etc. flows. b (also dead set) a setter's pointing in the presence of game. 11 the way, drift, or tendency (of a current, public opinion, state of mind, etc.) (the set of public feeling is against it). 12 the way in which a machine, device, etc., is set or adjusted. 13 esp. Austral. & NZ colloq. a grudge. 14 a the alternate outward deflection of the teeth of a saw. b the amount of this. 15 the last coat of plaster on a wall. 16 Printing a the amount of spacing in type controlling the distance between letters. b the width of a piece of type. 17 a warp or bend or displacement caused by continued pressure or a continued position. 18 a setting, including stage furniture etc., for a play or film etc. 19 a sequence of songs or pieces performed in jazz or popular music. 20 the setting of the hair when damp. 21 (also sett) a badger's burrow. 22 (also sett) a granite paving-block. 23 a predisposition or expectation influencing a response. 24 a number of people making up a square dance. make a dead set at 1 make a determined attack on. 2 seek to win the affections of. set point Tennis etc. 1 the state of a game when one side needs only one more point to win the set. 2 this point. set theory the branch of mathematics concerned with the manipulation of sets.

[ sense 1 (and related senses) f. OF sette f. L secta SECT: other senses f. SET(1) ]

Concise Oxford English dictionary.      Краткий оксфордский словарь английского языка.