n., pron., & adv.
n. & pron. 1 a some unspecified or unknown thing (have something to tell you; something has happened). b (in full something or other) as a substitute for an unknown or forgotten description (a student of something or other). 2 a known or understood but unexpressed quantity, quality, or extent (there is something about it I do not like; is something of a fool). 3 colloq. an important or notable person or thing (the party was quite something).
adv. archaic in some degree. or something or some unspecified alternative possibility (must have run away or something). see something of encounter (a person) briefly or occasionally. something else 1 something different. 2 colloq. something exceptional. something like 1 an amount in the region of (left something like a million pounds). 2 somewhat like (shaped something like a cigar). 3 colloq. impressive; a fine specimen of. something of to some extent; in some sense (is something of an expert).
[ OE sum thing (as SOME, THING) ]