v. & n.
v. 1 tr. crush or squeeze flat or into pulp. 2 intr. (often foll. by into) make one's way by squeezing. 3 tr. pack tight, crowd. 4 tr. a silence (a person) with a crushing retort etc. b dismiss (a proposal etc.). c quash (a rebellion).
n. 1 a crowd; a crowded assembly. 2 a sound of or as of something being squashed, or of a soft body falling. 3 Brit. a concentrated drink made of crushed fruit etc., diluted with water. 4 (in full squash rackets) a game played with rackets and a small fairly soft ball against the walls of a closed court. 5 a squashed thing or mass. squash tennis US a game similar to squash, played with a lawn-tennis ball. squashy adj. (squashier, squashiest). squashily adv. squashiness n.
[ alt. of QUASH ]