n. & v.
n. 1 (often attrib.) a vehicles moving in a public highway, esp. of a specified kind, density, etc. (heavy traffic on the M1; traffic warden). b such movement in the air or at sea. 2 (usu. foll. by in) trade, esp. illegal (the traffic in drugs). 3 a the transportation of goods, the coming and going of people or goods by road, rail, air, sea, etc. b the persons or goods so transported. 4 dealings or communication between people etc. (had no traffic with them). 5 the messages, signals, etc., transmitted through a communications system; the flow or volume of such business.
v. (trafficked, trafficking) 1 intr. (usu. foll. by in) deal in something, esp. illegally (trafficked in narcotics; traffics in innuendo). 2 tr. deal in; barter. traffic circle US a roundabout. traffic cop esp. US colloq. a traffic policeman. traffic island a paved or grassed area in a road to divert traffic and provide a refuge for pedestrians. traffic jam traffic at a standstill because of roadworks, an accident, etc. traffic-light (or -lights or -signal) a usu. automatic signal controlling road traffic esp. at junctions by coloured lights. traffic sign a sign conveying information, a warning, etc., to vehicle-drivers. traffic warden Brit. a uniformed official employed to help control road traffic and esp. parking. trafficker n. trafficless adj.
[ F traf(f)ique, Sp. tr fico, It. traffico, of unkn. orig. ]