movement of vehicles, aircraft
1) to direct ~ (the police officer was directing ~)
2) to block, hold up, obstruct, tie up ~
3) bumper-to-bumper, heavy; light; rush-hour; slow-moving ~
4) air; highway ( AE ), motorway ( BE ); inbound; local; long-distance; merging; one-way; through, thru ( AE ); two-way; vehicular ~
5) ( misc. ) the flow of ~; an update on ~ conditions; a ~ report
commerce, trade
6) brisk, lively ~
7) illegal, illicit ~
8) ~ in (illicit ~ in drugs)
9) ( colloq. ) to charge what the ~ will bear ('to charge as much as people are willing to pay')
v. ( d ; intr. ) to ~ in (to ~ in drugs)