I. ˈtra-fik noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle French trafique, from Old Italian traffico, from trafficare to trade in coastal waters
Date: 1549
a. : import and export trade
b. : the business of bartering or buying and selling
c. : illegal or disreputable usually commercial activity
the drug traffic
a. : communication or dealings especially between individuals or groups
b. : exchange
a lively traffic in ideas — F. L. Allen
3. archaic : wares, goods
(1) : the movement (as of vehicles or pedestrians) through an area or along a route
(2) : the vehicles, pedestrians, ships, or planes moving along a route
(3) : congestion of vehicles
stuck in traffic
b. : the information or signals transmitted over a communications system : messages
a. : the passengers or cargo carried by a transportation system
b. : the business of transporting passengers or freight
6. : the volume of customers visiting a business establishment
restaurant traffic
7. : a concentration of participants or players and especially defensive players
force difficult shots in traffic
Synonyms: see business
- the traffic will bear
II. verb
( traf·ficked ; traf·fick·ing )
Date: 1540
intransitive verb
1. : to carry on traffic
2. : to concentrate one's effort or interest ; broadly : engage , deal
a writer who often traffic s in hyperbole
transitive verb
a. : to travel over
heavily trafficked highways
b. : to visit (as a business establishment) as a customer
a highly trafficked book store
2. : trade , barter
• traf·fick·er noun