v. & n.
v. (past and past part. wound) 1 intr. go in a circular, spiral, curved, or crooked course (a winding staircase; the path winds up the hill). 2 tr. make (one's way) by such a course (wind your way up to bed; wound their way into our affections). 3 tr. wrap closely; surround with or as with a coil (wound the blanket round me; wound my arms round the child; wound the child in my arms). 4 a tr. coil; provide with a coiled thread etc. (wind the ribbon on to the card; wound cotton on a reel; winding wool into a ball). b intr. coil; (of wool etc.) coil into a ball (the creeper winds round the pole; the wool wound into a ball). 5 tr. wind up (a clock etc.). 6 tr. hoist or draw with a windlass etc. (wound the cable-car up the mountain).
n. 1 a bend or turn in a course. 2 a single turn when winding. wind down 1 lower by winding. 2 (of a mechanism) unwind. 3 (of a person) relax. 4 draw gradually to a close. wind-down n. colloq. a gradual lessening of excitement or reduction of activity. wind off unwind (string, wool, etc.). wind round one's finger see FINGER. wind up 1 coil the whole of (a piece of string etc.). 2 tighten the coiling or coiled spring of (esp. a clock etc.). 3 a colloq. increase the tension or intensity of (wound myself up to fever pitch). b irritate or provoke (a person) to the point of anger. 4 bring to a conclusion; end (wound up his speech). 5 Commerce a arrange the affairs of and dissolve (a company). b (of a company) cease business and go into liquidation. 6 colloq. arrive finally; end in a specified state or circumstance (you'll wind up in prison; wound up owing $100). wind-up n. 1 a conclusion; a finish. 2 a state of anxiety; the provocation of this. wound up adj. (of a person) excited or tense or angry.
[ OE windan f. Gmc, rel. to WANDER, WEND ]