n. 25B6; noun
wood chips : FRAGMENT, sliver, splinter, spell, shaving, paring, flake.
a chip in the glass : NICK, crack, scratch; flaw, fault.
fish and chips : chipped potatoes, potato chips; Brit. French fried potatoes; N. Amer. French fries.
gambling chips : COUNTER, token, jetton; N. Amer. check.
25B6; verb
the teacup was chipped : NICK, crack, scratch; damage.
the plaster had chipped : BREAK (OFF), crack, crumble.
chip the flint to the required shape : WHITTLE, hew, chisel.
25A0; chip in
He's right, Gloria chipped in : INTERRUPT, interject, interpose, cut in, chime in, butt in.
parents and staff chipped in to raise the cash : CONTRIBUTE, make a contribution/donation, club together, pay; informal fork out, shell out, cough up; Brit. informal stump up; N. Amer. informal kick in.