n. 25B6; verb
the roof collapsed : CAVE IN, fall in, subside, fall down, give (way), crumple, sag, slump.
he collapsed last night : FAINT, pass out, black out, lose consciousness, keel over, swoon; informal flake out, conk out.
she collapsed in tears : BREAK DOWN, go to pieces, lose control, be overcome, crumble; informal crack up.
peace talks collapsed : BREAK DOWN, fail, fall through, fold, founder, miscarry, come to grief, be unsuccessful; end; informal flop, fizzle out.
25B6; noun
the collapse of the roof : CAVE-IN, subsidence.
her collapse on stage : FAINTING FIT, faint, blackout, loss of consciousness, swoon; Medicine syncope.
the collapse of the talks : BREAKDOWN, failure, disintegration; end.
he suffered a collapse : (NERVOUS) BREAKDOWN, personal crisis, psychological trauma; informal crack-up.