n. 25B6; verb
he started to laugh excitedly : CHUCKLE, chortle, guffaw, giggle, titter, snigger, snicker, tee-hee, burst out laughing, roar/hoot with laughter, dissolve into laughter, split one's sides, be doubled up; informal be in stitches, be rolling in the aisles, crease up, fall about, crack up.
people laughed at his theories : RIDICULE, mock, deride, scoff at, jeer at, sneer at, jibe at, make fun of, poke fun at, scorn; lampoon, satirize, parody; informal send up, take the mickey out of, pooh-pooh; Austral./NZ informal poke mullock at.
25B6; noun
he gave a short laugh : CHUCKLE, chortle, guffaw, giggle, titter, tee-hee, snigger, snicker, roar/hoot of laughter, shriek of laughter, belly laugh.
(informal) he was a right laugh : JOKER, wag, wit, clown, jester, prankster, character; informal card, case, caution, hoot, scream, riot, barrel of laughs; Austral./NZ informal hard case.
(informal) I entered the contest for a laugh : JOKE, prank, piece of fun, jest, escapade, caper, practical joke; informal lark.
25A0; laugh something off DISMISS, make a joke of, make light of, shrug off, brush aside, scoff at; informal pooh-pooh.