■ verb
1》 make the sounds and movements that express lively amusement and sometimes also derision.
↘( ~ at ) ridicule; scorn.
2》 ( ~ something off ) dismiss something by treating it in a light-hearted way.
3》 ( be ~ing ) informal be in a fortunate or successful position.
■ noun
1》 an act of ~ing.
2》 ( a ~ ) informal a person or thing that causes ~ter.
have the last ~ be finally vindicated.
a ~ a minute very funny.
~ on the other side of one's face (or N. Amer. out of the other side of one's mouth ) be discomfited after feeling confident or triumphant.
~ someone/thing out of court dismiss someone or something with contempt as being obviously ridiculous.
~ up one's sleeve be secretly or inwardly amused.
~er noun
~ing adjective
~ingly adverb
OE hlæhhan , hliehhan , of Gmc origin.