v. 25B6; verb
she manages a staff of 80 people : BE IN CHARGE OF, run, be head of, head, direct, control, preside over, lead, govern, rule, command, superintend, supervise, oversee, administer, organize, conduct, handle, guide, be at the helm of; informal head up.
how much work can you manage this week? : ACCOMPLISH, achieve, do, carry out, perform, undertake, bring about/off, effect, finish; succeed in, contrive, engineer.
will you be able to manage without him? : COPE, get along/on, make do, be/fare/do all right, carry on, survive, get by, muddle through/along, fend for oneself, shift for oneself, make ends meet, weather the storm; informal make out, hack it.
she can't manage that horse : CONTROL, handle, master; cope with, deal with.