Meaning of MANAGE in English

[man.age] vb man.aged ; [It maneggiare, fr. mano hand, fr. L manus] vt (1561) 1: to handle or direct with a degree of skill: as a: to make and keep compliant "can't ~ her child" b: to treat with care: husband "managed his resources carefully" c: to exercise executive, administrative, and supervisory direction of "~ a business" "~ a bond issue" "~ a baseball team"

2: to work upon or try to alter for a purpose "~ the press" "~ stress"

3: to succeed in accomplishing: contrive "managed to escape from prison"

4: to direct the professional career of "an agency that ~s entertainers" ~ vi 1 a: to direct or carry on business or affairs; also: to direct a baseball team b: to admit of being carried on

2: to achieve one's purpose syn see conduct

[2]manage n [It maneggio management, training of a horse, fr. maneggiare] (ca. 1587) 1 a archaic: the action and paces of a trained riding horse b: the schooling or handling of a horse c: a riding school

2. obs: management

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