n. 25B6; noun
skilled nurses : CARER, caregiver; informal Florence Nightingale, nursey; N. Amer. informal candy-striper.
she had been his nurse in childhood : NANNY, nursemaid, nursery nurse, childminder, governess, au pair, childcarer, babysitter, ayah.
25B6; verb
they nursed smallpox patients : CARE FOR, take care of, look after, tend, minister to.
I nursed my sore finger : TREAT, medicate, tend; dress, bandage, soothe; informal doctor.
Rosa was nursing her baby : BREASTFEED, suckle, feed.
they nursed old grievances : HARBOUR, foster, entertain, bear, have, hold (on to), cherish, cling to, retain.
our unity needs to be nursed : NURTURE, encourage, promote, boost, assist, help, cultivate; protect, safeguard.