Function: verb
Inflected Form: nursed ; nurs · ing
Etymology: Middle English nurshen to suckle, nourish, contraction of nurishen
Date: 14th century
transitive verb
1 a : to nourish at the breast : SUCKLE b : to take nourishment from the breast of
3 a : to promote the development or progress of b : to manage with care or economy < nursed the business through hard times> < nursed a 1-0 lead> c : to take charge of and watch over
4 a : to care for and wait on (as a sick person) b : to attempt to cure by care and treatment
5 : to hold in one's memory or consideration < nurse a grievance>
6 a : to use, handle, or operate carefully so as to conserve energy or avoid injury or pain < nurse a sprained ankle> b : to use sparingly c : to consume slowly or over a long period < nurse a cup of coffee>
intransitive verb
1 a : to feed an offspring from the breast b : to feed at the breast : SUCK
2 : to act or serve as a nurse
– nurs · er noun