n. 25B6; noun
a form of rhetoric : ORATORY, eloquence, command of language, way with words. See list.
empty rhetoric : BOMBAST, turgidity, grandiloquence, magniloquence, pomposity, extravagant language, purple prose; wordiness, verbosity, prolixity; informal hot air; rare fustian.
Rhetorical Devices and Figures of Speech
allegory hypallage
alliteration hyperbaton
anacoluthon hyperbole
anadiplosis hysteron proteron
anaphora innuendo
anastrophe irony
antiphrasis isocolon
antistrophe litotes
antithesis meiosis
antonomasia metaphor
aporia metonymy
apostrophe onomatopoeia
assonance oxymoron
bathos paradox
cacophemism paralipsis
catachresis paronomasia
chiasmus periphrasis
circumlocution personification
diacope pleonasm
dysphemism prolepsis
echoism prosopopoeia
ellipsis pun
enallage rhetorical question
epanalepsis sarcasm
epanorthosis simile
epiphora syllepsis
epistrophe symploce
epizeuxis synecdoche
euphemism tautology
euphony transferred epithet
euphuism trope
hendiadys zeugma