Meaning of RHETORIC in English


Pronunciation: ' re-t ə -rik

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English rethorik, from Anglo-French rethorique, from Latin rhetorica, from Greek rh ē torik ē , literally, art of oratory, from feminine of rh ē torikos of an orator, from rh ē t ō r orator, rhetorician, from eirein to say, speak ― more at WORD

Date: 14th century

1 : the art of speaking or writing effectively: as a : the study of principles and rules of composition formulated by critics of ancient times b : the study of writing or speaking as a means of communication or persuasion

2 a : skill in the effective use of speech b : a type or mode of language or speech also : insincere or grandiloquent language

3 : verbal communication : DISCOURSE

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