n. 25B6; verb
he saw her running across the road : DISCERN, spot, notice, catch sight of, glimpse, catch/get a glimpse of, make out, pick out, spy, distinguish, detect, perceive, note; informal clap/lay/set eyes on, clock; poetic/literary behold, descry, espy.
I saw a documentary about it last week : WATCH, look at, view; catch.
would you like to see over the house? : INSPECT, view, look round, tour, survey, examine, scrutinize; informal give something a/the once-over.
I finally saw what she meant : UNDERSTAND, grasp, comprehend, follow, take in, realize, appreciate, recognize, work out, get the drift of, perceive, fathom (out); informal get, latch on to, cotton on to, catch on to, tumble to, savvy, figure out, get a fix on; Brit. informal twig, suss (out).
I must go and see what Victor is up to : FIND OUT, discover, learn, ascertain, determine, establish.
see that no harm comes to him : ENSURE, make sure/certain, see to it, take care, mind.
I see trouble ahead : FORESEE, predict, forecast, prophesy, anticipate, envisage, picture, visualize.
about a year later, I saw him in town : ENCOUNTER, meet, run into/across, come across, stumble on/across, happen on, chance on; informal bump into; archaic run against.
they see each other from time to time : MEET, meet up with, get together with, socialize with.
you'd better see a doctor : CONSULT, confer with, talk to, speak to, have recourse to, call on, call in, turn to, ask.
he's seeing someone else now : GO OUT WITH, date, take out, be involved with; informal go steady with; Brit. informal, dated walk out with; N. Amer. informal, dated step out with; dated court.
he saw her to her car : ESCORT, accompany, show, walk, conduct, lead, take, usher, attend.
25A0; see about ARRANGE, see to, deal with, take care of, look after, attend to, sort out.
25A0; see through UNDERSTAND, get/have the measure of, read like a book; informal be wise to, have someone's number, know someone's (little) game.
25A0; see someone through SUSTAIN, encourage, buoy up, keep going, support, be a tower of strength to, comfort, help (out), stand by, stick by.
25A0; see something through PERSEVERE WITH, persist with, continue (with), carry on with, keep at, follow through, stay with; informal stick at, stick it out, hang in there.
25A0; see to ATTEND TO, deal with, see about, take care of, look after, sort out, fix, organize, arrange.