n. 25B6; noun
a way of reducing the damage : METHOD, process, procedure, technique, system; plan, strategy, scheme; means, mechanism, approach.
she kissed him in her brisk way : MANNER, style, fashion, mode; modus operandi, MO.
I've changed my ways : PRACTICE, habit, custom, policy, procedure, convention, routine, modus vivendi; trait, attribute, peculiarity, idiosyncrasy; conduct, behaviour, manner, style, nature, personality, temperament, disposition, character; formal wont.
which way leads home? : ROUTE, course, direction; road, street, track, path.
I'll go out the back way : DOOR, gate, exit, entrance, entry; route.
a short way downstream : DISTANCE, length, stretch, journey; space, interval, span.
April is a long way away : TIME, stretch, term, span, duration.
a car coming the other way : DIRECTION, bearing, course, orientation, line, tack.
(informal) what do they call it down your way? : AREA, region, district, neighbourhood, locality, locale; informal neck of the woods, parts; Brit. informal manor; N. Amer. informal hood, nabe.
in some ways, he may be better off : RESPECT, regard, aspect, facet, sense; detail, point, particular.
the country is in a bad way : STATE, condition, situation, circumstances, position; predicament, plight; informal shape.
25A0; by the way INCIDENTALLY, by the by, in passing, en passant.
25A0; give way
the government gave way and passed the bill : YIELD, back down, surrender, concede defeat, give in, submit, succumb; acquiesce, agree, assent; informal throw in the towel/sponge, cave in.
the door gave way : COLLAPSE, give, cave in, fall in, come apart, crumple.
grief gave way to guilt : BE REPLACED BY, be succeeded by, be followed by, be supplanted by.
25A0; on the way COMING, imminent, forthcoming, approaching, impending, close, near, on us; proceeding, en route, in transit.