~ 1 [ dɪ'zə:t ]
■ verb
1》 callously or treacherously abandon.
2》 [usu. as adjective ~ed ] leave (a place), causing it to appear empty.
3》 illegally leave the armed forces.
~ion noun
ME: from OFr. ~er , from late L. ~are , from L. ~us (see ~ 2 ).
~ 2 [ 'dɛzət ]
■ noun
1》 a waterless, desolate area of land with little or no vegetation, typically covered with sand.
2》 a situation or area considered dull and uninteresting: a cultural ~.
■ adjective like a ~; uninhabited and desolate.
ME: via OFr. from late L. ~um 'something left waste', neut. past participle of deserere 'leave, forsake'.