Meaning of ECHO in English

■ noun ( plural ~es )

1》 a sound caused by the reflection of sound waves from a surface back to the listener.

↘a reflected radio or radar beam.

↘ Linguistics the repetition of one speaker's utterance by another.

2》 something suggestive of or parallel to something else.

3》 Bridge a play by a defender of a higher card in a suit followed by a lower one in a subsequent trick, used as a signal to request a further lead of that suit by their partner.

4》 a code word representing the letter E, used in radio communication.

■ verb ( ~es , ~ing , ~ed )

1》 (of a sound) reverberate or be repeated after the original sound has stopped.

↘repeat (someone's words or opinions).

2》 be suggestive of or parallel to: a blue suit that ~ed the colour of her eyes.


~er noun

~ey adjective

~less adjective


ME: from OFr. or L., from Gk ēkhō , related to ēkhē 'a sound'.

Concise Oxford English vocab.      Сжатый оксфордский словарь английского языка.