Meaning of ECHO in English


Pronunciation: ' e-( ˌ )k ō

Function: noun

Inflected Form: plural ech · oes also echos

Etymology: Middle English ecco, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French echo, from Latin, from Greek ē ch ō ; akin to Latin vagire to wail, Greek ē ch ē sound

Date: 14th century

1 a : the repetition of a sound caused by reflection of sound waves b : the sound due to such reflection

2 a : a repetition or imitation of another : REFLECTION b : REPERCUSSION , RESULT c : TRACE , VESTIGE d : RESPONSE

3 : one who closely imitates or repeats another's words, ideas, or acts

4 : a soft repetition of a musical phrase

5 a : the repetition of a received radio signal due especially to reflection of part of the wave from an ionized layer of the atmosphere b (1) : the reflection of transmitted radar signals by an object (2) : the visual indication of this reflection on a radarscope

– echo · ey \ ' e- ˌ k ō - ē \ adjective

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