Meaning of GROUND in English

~ 1

■ noun

1》 the solid surface of the earth.

↘land of a specified kind: marshy ~.

↘an area of land or sea with a specified use: fishing ~s.

↘( ~s ) an area of enclosed land surrounding a large building.

↘ Brit. the floor of a room.

2》 ( ~s ) factors forming a basis for action or the justification for a belief.

3》 a prepared surface to which paint or other decoration is applied.

↘a substance used to prepare a surface for painting.

↘a piece of wood fixed to a wall as a base for boards, plaster, or joinery.

4》 ( ~s ) solid particles, especially of coffee, which form a residue.

5》 N. Amer. electrical connection to the earth.

■ verb

1》 prohibit or prevent (a pilot or aircraft) from flying.

↘ informal (of a parent) refuse to allow (a child) to go out socially, as a punishment.

2》 run (a ship) a~.

3》 (usu. be ~ed in ) give a firm theoretical or practical basis to.

↘[as adjective ~ed ] well balanced and sensible.

4》 place on the ~ or touch the ~ with.

5》 N. Amer. connect (an electrical device) with the ~.


be thick (or thin ) on the ~ exist in large (or small) numbers or amounts.

break new ~ be innovative.

gain ~

1》 become more popular.

2》 (usu. gain ~ on ) get closer to someone being pursued.

get off the ~ start happening or functioning successfully.

give (or lose ) ~ retreat or lose one's advantage.

go to ~ (of a fox or other animal) enter its earth or burrow.

↘(of a person) hide or become inaccessible.

hold (or stand ) one's ~ not retreat or lose one's advantage.

on the ~ in a place where real, practical work is done.

on one's own ~ in one's own territory or area of knowledge.

work (or run ) oneself into the ~ exhaust oneself by working or running very hard.


OE grund , of Gmc origin.


~ 2

past and past participle of grind .

Concise Oxford English vocab.      Сжатый оксфордский словарь английского языка.