■ verb
1》 press briefly or puncture with a sharp point.
↘( ~ something out ) draw or decorate by making small holes in a surface.
2》 feel a sensation as though a sharp point were sticking into one.
↘cause mental or emotional discomfort to.
3》 (often ~ up ) (chiefly of a horse or dog) make (the ears) stand erect when on the alert.
4》 ( ~ something out ) plant seedlings in small holes made in the earth.
■ noun
1》 an act of ~ing something.
↘a small hole or mark made by ~ing.
2》 a sharp pain caused by being pierced with a fine point.
↘a sudden feeling of distress, anxiety, etc.
↘ archaic a goad for oxen.
3》 vulgar slang a man's penis.
↘a stupid, unpleasant, or contemptible man.
kick against the ~s hurt oneself by persisting in useless resistance or protest. [with biblical allusion to Acts 9:5.]
~er noun
OE pricca (n.), prician (v.), prob. of W. Gmc origin.