Meaning of SCORE in English

■ noun

1》 the number of points, goals, runs, etc. achieved in a game or by an individual.

↘a mark or grade.

2》 ( the ~ ) informal the state of affairs; the real facts.

3》 ( plural same) a group or set of twenty.

↘a large amount or number: he sent ~s of letters to friends.

4》 a written representation of a musical composition showing all the vocal and instrumental parts.

5》 a notch or line cut or scratched into a surface.

↘ historical a running account kept by marks against a customer's name, typically in a public house.

6》 informal an act of buying illegal drugs.

↘the proceeds of a crime.

■ verb

1》 gain (a point, goal, run, etc.) in a competitive game.

↘be worth (a number of points).

↘record the ~ during a game.

↘ Baseball cause (a teammate) to ~.

2》 orchestrate or arrange (a piece of music).

↘compose the music for (a film or play).

3》 cut or scratch a mark or notch on (a surface).

↘( ~ something out/through ) delete text by drawing a line through it.

4》 informal secure (a success or an advantage).

↘be successful.

↘succeed in obtaining (illegal drugs).

↘succeed in attracting a sexual partner.

5》 ( ~ off or ~ points off ) Brit. informal outdo or humiliate, especially in an argument.


know the ~ informal be aware of the essential facts.

on the ~ of Brit. because of.

on that (or this ) ~ so far as that (or this) is concerned.

settle (or pay ) a (or the) ~

1》 take revenge on someone.

2》 dated pay off a debt or other obligation.


~less adjective

~r noun


OE scoru 'set of twenty', from ON skor 'notch, tally, twenty', of Gmc origin; related to shear ; the verb is from ON skora 'make an incision'.

Concise Oxford English vocab.      Сжатый оксфордский словарь английского языка.