■ noun
1》 a large seagoing boat.
↘a sailing vessel with a bowsprit and three or more square-rigged masts.
2》 a space~.
3》 N. Amer. an aircraft.
■ verb ( ~s , ~ping , ~ped )
1》 transport on a ~.
↘transport by other means.
↘ dated embark on a ~.
↘(of a sailor) take service on a ~.
2》 (of a boat) take in (water) over the side.
3》 take (oars) from the rowlocks and lay them inside a boat.
↘fix (a rudder, mast, etc.) in place on a ~.
4》 make (a product) available for purchase.
a sinking ~ a failing organization or endeavour.
take ~ set off on a voyage by ~.
when one's ~ comes in (or home ) when one's fortune is made.
~less adjective
~load noun
~pable adjective
~per noun
OE scip (n.), late OE scipian (v.), of Gmc origin.