■ adjective ( steadier , steadiest )
1》 firmly fixed, supported, or balanced.
↘not faltering or wavering; controlled.
↘sensible and reliable.
2》 regular, even, and continuous in development, frequency, or intensity.
3》 (of a ship) moving without deviation from its course.
■ verb ( steadies , ~ing , steadied ) make or become ~.
■ exclamation a warning to keep calm or take care.
■ noun ( plural steadies )
1》 informal a person's regular boyfriend or girlfriend.
2》 a strut for stabilizing a caravan or other vehicle when stationary.
go ~ informal have a regular romantic or sexual relationship with someone.
~ on! Brit. calm down; be more reasonable.
steadier noun
steadily adverb
steadiness noun
ME: from stead + -y 1 .