Meaning of STEADY in English

[steady] adj ; -est [ME stedy, fr. stede] (14c) 1 a: direct or sure in movement: unfaltering b: firm in position: fixed c: keeping nearly upright in a seaway "a ~ ship"

2: showing little variation or fluctuation: stable, uniform "a ~ breeze" "~ prices" 3 a: not easily disturbed or upset "~ nerves" b (1): constant in feeling, principle, purpose, or attachment (2): dependable c: not given to dissipation: sober -- adv -- steadi.ness n syn steady, even, equable mean not varying throughout a course or extent. steady implies lack of fluctuation or interruption of movement "steady progress". even suggests a lack of variation in quality or character "an even distribution". equable implies lack of extremes or of sudden sharp changes "maintain an equable temper".

[2]steady vb stead.ied ; vt (1530): to make or keep steady ~ vi: to become steady -- n [3]steady adv (ca. 1605) 1: in a steady manner: steadily

2: on the course set--used as a direction to the helmsman of a ship [4]steady n, pl stead.ies (1792): one that is steady; specif: a boyfriend or girlfriend with whom one goes steady

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