I. ˈste-dē adjective
( steadi·er ; -est )
Etymology: Middle English stedy, from stede
Date: 14th century
a. : direct or sure in movement : unfaltering
a steady hand
b. : firm in position : fixed
held the pole steady
c. : keeping nearly upright in a seaway
a steady ship
2. : showing little variation or fluctuation : stable , uniform
a steady breeze
steady prices
a. : not easily disturbed or upset
steady nerves
(1) : constant in feeling, principle, purpose, or attachment
steady friends
(2) : dependable
c. : not given to dissipation : sober
• steadi·ly ˈste-d ə l-ē adverb
• steadi·ness ˈste-dē-nəs noun
steady , even , equable mean not varying throughout a course or extent. steady implies lack of fluctuation or interruption of movement
steady progress
even suggests a lack of variation in quality or character
an even distribution
equable implies lack of extremes or of sudden sharp changes
maintain an equable temper
II. verb
( stead·ied ; steady·ing )
Date: 1530
transitive verb
: to make or keep steady
intransitive verb
: to become steady
• steadi·er noun
III. adverb
Date: circa 1605
1. : in a steady manner : steadily
2. : on the course set — used as a direction to the helmsman of a ship
IV. noun
( plural stead·ies )
Date: 1792
: one that is steady ; specifically : a boyfriend or girlfriend with whom one goes steady