Meaning of TABLE in English

■ noun

1》 a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, providing a level surface for eating, writing, or working at.

↘food provided in a restaurant or household.

2》 a set of facts or figures systematically displayed, especially in columns.

↘a league ~.

↘( ~s ) multiplication ~s.

3》 Architecture a flat, typically rectangular, vertical surface.

↘a horizontal moulding, especially a cornice.

↘a slab bearing an inscription.

4》 a flat surface of a gem.

↘a cut gem with two flat faces.

5》 each half or quarter of a folding board for backgammon.

6》 Bridge the dummy hand.

■ verb

1》 Brit. present formally for discussion or consideration at a meeting.

2》 chiefly US postpone consideration of.

3》 Sailing strengthen (a sail) by making a hem at the edge.


lay something on the ~

1》 make something known so that it can be discussed.

2》 chiefly US postpone something indefinitely.

on the ~ offered for discussion.

turn the ~s turn a position of disadvantage relative to someone else into one of advantage.

under the ~

1》 informal very drunk.

2》 another term for under the counter (see counter 1 ).


~ful noun ( plural ~fuls ).


OE tabule 'flat slab, inscribed ~t', from L. tabula 'plank, ~t, list', reinforced in ME by OFr. ~ .

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