[Judaic] The Holy Temple in Jerusalem was one of the seven things God conceived before beginning the creation of the world. Many miracles were associated with its building. It only rained at night throughout the building project; the shamir worm cut all the stones needed for the work; the stones moved of their own accord from the quarry; (Pes. Rabbatai 6); all the workers were immediately transported to the Garden of Eden upon it completion). The design of the Temple was that of a microcosm, a model of heaven and earth. The building itself was made up of the Sanctuary and the Holy of Holies. The Temple is also understood to be a kind of macrocosm of the human soul, its three-chamber structure reflecting the three levels of the soul: Nefesh, Ruach, and Neshamah. The Ark of the Covenant emanated a supernal light that illuminated the interior of the Temple (Yoma 54b; Lev. R. 20:4). The gold menorah at the doorway would glow when the time for Morning Prayer came (Yoma 37b). During the entir...
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