Chemical symbol H2S, hydrogen sulfide is produced naturally by the Anaerobic Decomposition of any type of organic or inorganic matter that contains sulfur, e.g., rotting eggs, wallboard decomposition in landfills, the formation of natural gas from decomposing plant life, sulfate decomposition in sewers, etc. However produced, hydrogen sulfide presents severe health and corrosion hazards as well as being an odor nuisance. Few gases are as potent as hydrogen sulfide to the human olfactory senses. The human nose can detect the rotten egg odor at a level of only 0.4 parts per billion (ppb); few other compounds can be detected at such low levels of concentration.
Meaning of HYDROGEN SULFIDE (GAS) in English
Environmental engineering English vocabulary. Английский словарь экологического инжиниринга. 2012