Англо-русский перевод GAS

1) газ || выделять газ || газовый; газообразный 2) авто проф. сокр. от gasoline топливо; бензин 3) отравляющее вещество, ОВ || поражать ОВ 4) наполнять газом; насыщать газом; пищ. газировать • gas in place — запасы газа в коллекторе; gas in-situ — газ в пластовых условиях; to boost gas along to its destination — повышать давление газа для доставки его к месту назначения; to sweeten gas — удалять из газа соединения серы; to take off casing-head gas — отбирать нефтяной газ на устье скважины - absorbent gas - acid gas - active gas - actuation gas - aerogen gas - aggressive gas - air gas - air-free gas - alky gas - all-weather liquefied petroleum gas - ammonia gas - ammonia synthesis gas - anaerobic fuel gas - anode gas - artificial gas - associated gas - associated-dissolved gas - ballast gas - blast-furnace gas - blau gas - blue gas - bottled gas - bradenhead gas - burning gases - burnt gas - butane-enriched water gas - butane-propane gas - by-product gas - calibrating gas - cap gas - carbureted gas - carbureted hydrogen gas - carrier gas - casinghead gas - cathode gas - char gas - city gas - coal gas - coke oven gas - coke-cooling gas - combination gas - combustible gas - combustion gas - compressed gas - condensed gas - consumer gas - contaminant gas - conventional gas - converted gas - converter waste gas - coolant gas - corrosive gas - cryogenic gas - degenerate gas - desuperheat gas - dielectric gas - diluent gas - diluted gas - dissolved gas - diving gas - domestic gas - doping gas - dry gas - drying gas - dump gas - dust-laden gas - effluent gas - electrode gas - electronic gas - electron gas - electronegative gas - elementary gas - end gas - enriched gas - entrained gas - exhaust gas - explosion gas - extremely dry gas - fat gas - filtered flue gas - fire gas - fission gas - fixed gas - flare gas - flash gas - flue gas - fluidizing gas - fluorocarbon gas - foul gas - free gas - fuel gas - fume-laden gas - furnace gas - gas-lift gas - glass-forming gas - green gases - head-space gas - heating gas - helium-bearing natural gas - high btu gas - high gas - high-altitude LP gas - high-purity gas - household fuel gas - humid gas - hydrocarbon gases - ideal gas - illuminating gas - incoming gas - indifferent gas - industrial gas - inert gas - inflammable gas - injected gas - inleaking gas - intergalactic gas - interplanetary gas - interstellar gas - ionized gas - kerosine gas - kiln gases - landfill gas - lean gas - lift gas - lighting gas - liquefied natural gas - live gas - LN gas - low-boiling gas - low-energy coal-derived gas - low-thermal-value fuel gas - LP gas - makeup gas - manufactured gas - manure gas - marsh gas - medium-energy coal-derived gas - mine gas - mixed gas - mustard gas - naphtha gas - native gas - natural gas - noble gas - nonassociated natural gas - noncondensable gas - nonhydrocarbon gases - nonstripped petroleum gas - noxious gas - occluded gas - off gas - oil gas - oil samp gas - oil-water gas - oil-well gas - olefiant gas - onboard-stored gas - paraffin gas - peat gas - perfect gas - petroleum gas - pipeline gas - pollutant gases - poor gas - power gas - process gas - processed gas - producer gas - propulsive gas - protective gas - purge gas - radiating gas - radioactive gas - radioactive noble gases - rare gas - reaction gas - reactionless gas - reactivation gas - reactive gas - receiver gases - recoverable gas - recycled gas - recycle gas - reference gas - refinery gas - refrigerant gas - regeneration gas - relief gases - residual gas - residue gas - rich gas - rich petroleum gas - roaster gas - roast gas - rock gas - sales gas - separator gas - sewer gas - shocked gas - sludge gas - solute gas - solution gas - sour gas - span gas - spent gas - stabilizer gas - stack gas - steam run gas - stillage gas - still gas - stripped gas - suction gas - sweet gas - synthesis gas - synthetic natural gas - synthetic gas - tail gas - tank gas - tar gas - top gas - town gas - toxic gas - trace gases - trapped gas - trap gas - treated gas - trip gas - unassociated gas - underground storage gas - unstripped gas - vapor gases - washed gas - waste gas - water gas - wet gas - working gas - zero gas

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