Pronunciation: ' gas
Function: noun
Inflected Form: plural gas · es also gas · ses
Etymology: New Latin, alteration of Latin chaos space, chaos
Date: 1779
1 : a fluid (as air) that has neither independent shape nor volume but tends to expand indefinitely
2 a : a combustible gas or gaseous mixture for fuel or lighting especially : NATURAL GAS b : a gaseous product of digestion also : discomfort from this c : a gas or gaseous mixture used to produce anesthesia d : a substance that can be used to produce a poisonous, asphyxiating, or irritant atmosphere
3 : empty talk : BOMBAST
4 : GASOLINE also : the accelerator pedal of an automotive vehicle
5 : driving force : ENERGY <I was young, and full of gas ― H. L. Mencken> <ran out of gas in the seventh inning>
6 slang : something that gives pleasure : DELIGHT <the party was a gas >