Meaning of GAS in English

[gas] n, pl also [NL, alter. of L chaos space, chaos] (1779) 1: a fluid (as air) that has neither independent shape nor volume but tends to expand indefinitely

2. a: a combustible gas or gaseous mixture for fuel or lighting; esp: natural gas b: a gaseous product of digestion; also: discomfort from this c: a gas or gaseous mixture used to produce anesthesia d: a substance that can be used to produce a poisonous, asphyxiating, or irritant atmosphere

3: empty talk: bombast

4: gasoline; also: the accelerator pedal of an automotive vehicle

5: driving force: energy "I was young, and full of ~ --H. L. Mencken" "ran out of ~ in the seventh inning"

6. slang: something that gives pleasure: delight "the party was a ~"

[2]gas vb gassed ; gas.sing vi (1852) 1: to talk idly or garrulously

2: to give off gas

3: to fill the tank (as of an automobile) with gasoline--usu. used with up ~ vt 1: to supply with gas or esp. gasoline "~ up the car"

2. a: to treat chemically with gas b: to poison or otherwise affect adversely with gas 3 slang: to please greatly

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