A designated natural Drainage Basin or Hydrologic Area that contains either the drainage area of a major river or the combined drainage areas of two or more rivers. Of the 21 designated water-resources regions, delineated by the Water Resources Council in 1970, 18 are in the conterminous United States, and one each are in Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. The following represents a listing of U.S. water-resources regions and the states primarily and partly included: (1) Region 01: New England Region (Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and part of Vermont) (2) Region 02: Mid-Atlantic Region (New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Washington D.C., Virginia, and parts of Vermont and West Virginia) (3) Region 03: South Atlantic-Gulf Region (North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, and parts of Virginia and Mississippi) (4) Region 04: Great Lakes Region (Michigan, and parts of Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, and New York) (5) Region 05: Ohio Region (Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, and parts of Illinois, Tennessee, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and New York) (6) Region 06: Tennessee Region (Tennessee and parts of Alabama, Georgia, Virginia, and North Carolina) (7) Region 07: Upper Mississippi Region (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, and parts of Missouri and Indiana) (8) Region 08: Lower Mississippi Region (parts of Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Missouri) (9) Region 09: Souris-Red-Rainy Region (parts of North Dakota and Minnesota) (10) Region 10: Missouri Region (Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and parts of Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, and Minnesota) (11) Region 11: Arkansas-White-Red Region (Oklahoma and parts of Colorado, New Mexico, Kansas, Texas, Missouri, Arkansas, and Louisiana) (12) Region 12: Texas-Gulf Region (Texas and parts of New Mexico and Louisiana) (13) Region 13: Rio Grand Region (New Mexico and parts of Texas and Colorado) (14) Region 14: Upper Colorado Region (parts of Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Arizona, and New Mexico) (15) Region 15: Lower Colorado Region (Arizona and parts of California, Nevada, Utah, and New Mexico) (16) Region 16: Great Basin Region (Nevada and parts of Utah, California, Oregon, Idaho, and Wyoming) (17) Region 17: Pacific Northwest Region (Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and parts of Montana, Wyoming, Nevada, and Utah) (18) Region 18: California Region (California and parts of Oregon and Nevada) (19) Region 19: Alaska Region (Alaska) (20) Region 20: Hawaii Region (Hawaii) (21) Region 21: Caribbean Region (Puerto Rico)

Environmental engineering English vocabulary.      Английский словарь экологического инжиниринга.